Holy Face Devotion

Devotional Materials

The Holy Face Relic is one of a number of images which is a replica of the true image of Veronica’s Veil and was actually touched to it in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. It is available for veneration in our Monastery Chapel, encased in a small shrine. It has the words, Vera Effigies Sacri Vutltus Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, Quae Romae in Sacrosancta Basilica S. Petri In Vaticano Religiosissime Asservatur et Colitur. “True image of the Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ, venerated in Rome in the Most Holy Basilica of St. Peter.”

The Holy Face Medal

On May 31, 1938, our Blessed Mother appeared to Mo. Pierina de Micheli saying:

The medal is an armor of defense, a shield of strength, a token of the love and mercy which Jesus wishes to give to the world in these times of lust and hatred against God and His Church, aggravated by:

  1. Diabolic nets thrown to wrench the faith from hearts
  2. Evils abounding
  3. True apostles being few

The remedy is the Holy Face of Jesus.

All who wear a medal like this and make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday in order to repair the outrages which the Face of Son Jesus received during His Passion and everyday in the Holy Eucharist:

  1. will be strengthened in faith
  2. prompt to defend it
  3. overcome all difficulties internal and external
  4. will have a peaceful death under the loving gaze of My Divine Son.
Holy Face Oil

Holy Face Oil is burned before the true Image of Our Lord’s Holy Face in our Chapel and is available upon request.

Holy Face Protection Crosses

Our Lord asked that each member of the Confraternity (and indeed all who are devoted to the Holy Face) wear a special cross called “The Holy Face Protection Cross”. The cross bears the words on the front “Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum” (Blessed be the Name of the Lord) and on the reverse, Vade Retro Satana (begone, Satan). In the center of the cross is Veronicas Veil and on each side is the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, reminding wears to run to Jesus and Mary in times of temptation. These crosses are available at our Carmel. 

Quotes about the Holy Face
Prayer of Pope Innocent III (1207):

O God, who in the image impressed on Veronica’s Veil wanted to leave your memorial for us who are sealed in the light of your face. We beg you to obtain for us through the merits of your passion and cross, that as we now on earth venerate and adore the very mystery of its likeness, so we may see it face to face unto salvation when the Judge comes.

St. Gertrude the Great: Extracts from Revelations (1256-1303):

On the second Sunday in Lent…I saw the Lord face to face. I seemed to see against my face another face, which, according to St. Bernard, “was not contained under any form, yet gave form to all else; which did not strike the eye of the body, but charmed that of the soul; which was lovable, not through the brightness of its color, but through the gifts of its love.” It is but Thou, my God, who can know how not only my soul, but also all the powers of my heart found pleasure in this happy vision, in which the brightness of Thine eyes, like two suns, looked straight into my own… ~ When then Thou didst approach Thine adorable face, in which is found an abundant source of all joy, close to my own, so greatly unworthy to touch it, I perceived a gentle light proceeding from Thy divine eyes and passing through mine, spreading itself in every secret part of me, and seeming to fill all my members with a wonderful power and strength.

Words of Our Lord, spoken to St. Gertrude:

Let the soul who is desirous of advancing in perfection hasten with great alacrity to my Sacred Heart. But he who yearns to make even greater progress and to mount still higher on the wings of desire must rise with the swiftness of an eagle and hover about my Sacred Face. ~ All those who meditate frequently on the vision of My Divine Face, attracted by the desires of love, shall receive within them, through My Humanity, a bright ray of My Divinity, which shall enlighten their inmost souls so that they shall reflect the light of My Countenance in a special manner throughout eternity. It is but Thou, my God, who can know how not only my soul, but also all the powers of my heart found pleasure in this happy vision, in which the brightness of Thine eyes, like two suns, looked straight into my own… ~ When then Thou didst approach Thine adorable face, in which is found an abundant source of all joy, close to my own, so greatly unworthy to touch it, I perceived a gentle light proceeding from Thy divine eyes and passing through mine, spreading itself in every secret part of me, and seeming to fill all my members with a wonderful power and strength.

Hymn of Pope John XXII (1316)

Save, Holy Face of Our Savior, in which gleams the image of divine splendor Imprinted on a snowy cloth of brilliant whiteness Given to Veronica as a token of love.

Julian of Norwich - from Revelations of Divine Love (1373)

It made me to think of the Holy Veronica of Rome; which He hath portrayed with His own blessed face when He was in His hard passion; willfully going to His death, and often changing of color. Of the brownness and blackness, the ruefulness and leanness of this image many marvel how it might be so, since He portrayed His blessed face who is the fairness of heaven… Then how might this image be so discoloring and so far from fair?

Julian of Norwich - from Revelations of Divine Love (1373)

It made me to think of the Holy Veronica of Rome; which He hath portrayed with His own blessed face when He was in His hard passion; willfully going to His death, and often changing of color. Of the brownness and blackness, the ruefulness and leanness of this image many marvel how it might be so, since He portrayed His blessed face who is the fairness of heaven… Then how might this image be so discoloring and so far from fair?

St. Therese of Liseux:

“The tears and blood of Jesus were to be her dew, and her sun was His Adorable Face, veiled with tears.”

St. Therese, in one of her letters, told Celine to look into the Face of Jesus, for “there you will see how much He loves us”

Extracts from the poetry of St. Therese:

The petals of my flowers caress Thy Sacred Face,
They tell Thee that my heart has fled to Thee above.
                  – To Scatter Flowers, 1896

Remember Thou, Thy Countenance appearing
Amid Thy chosen few, was e’er unknown;
But Thou, didst leave for me its Sacred Image,
And, love, I knew it as my very own.
Yea, I behold, e’en though by tears obscured,
The Face of God – Its charm my soul allured;
Thy glance enveiled for me,
Solaced my heart to see,
Remember Thou!
Then fleetly shall my soul outwing space,
To hide me in the secret of Thy Face.
In love’s eternity,
My Heaven Thou shalt be,
Remember Thou!
                    – Jesus, My Well-Beloved, Remember!, 1895

It’s to obtain pardon for sinners.
To live by love is to dry Your Face,
                – To Live by Love, 1896

Therese, speaking about that poem, said: “I repeated this to Him while passing by (the picture of the Holy Face), doing so with great love. When looking at the picture, I cried out of love.”
– Last Conversations

Our Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus wanted her daughters to intercede unceasingly for the good of souls and the building up of the Church, especially by praying and sacrificing for the sanctity of Priests.

It is an honor and a great joy for us to present your petitions to Our Lord, solemnly enthroned as King and Lord of our Carmel in the Blessed Sacrament.

Be assured that:

“On Carmel’s Height’s by Day and Night, Someone prays for you”

Prayer Request Form

To send us a prayer request, please fill out the following form.  The Sisters will silently take your intention to prayer.  We will pray all throughout the day and will remember you throughout our Masses and each of our hours of prayer.