
A Vocation to Love
Our Carmelite life raises a question to you. “Why this?” Therefore we have shared with you what we do each day...

Upon her enterance into the monastery, the candidate begins her postulancy which lasts a year. It permits....

:The Novitiate begins with a ceremony in which the postulant receives the monastic habit and a new name. It is a period of...

Simple Profession
If, at the end of the two-year novitiate, it seems to the community and to the Novice herself that her calling from God is being confirmed, then, after mature reflection and...

Solemn Profession
When a Nun gives her whole self to Christ in the monastery, when she makes her vows, she is offered along with the sacrifice of Christ, to the Father. So in a very real sense...

Basic Admission Requirements
Even though the enclosure embraced by the Carmelite may seem radical in requiring such separation from her family, friends and material things, it brings down...