
May it please the Lord that all be to His glory and praise and to that of the glorious Virgin Mary whose habit we wear. Amen.
— St. Teresa of Avila

The Novitiate begins with a ceremony in which the postulant receives the religious habit and a new name. It is a period of formation in the virtues and the monastic life.

The novice will gradually be directed toward the perfection proper to the Discalced Life, following the teachings of Our Holy Parents, in which they will have Jesus Christ as a model in that virginal and poor life which He chose for Himself and for His Virgin Mother, particularly during the years of His hidden life in Nazareth.

Each day should mean progress in the realization of one’s vocation, until not a single fiber of the soul remains which does not belong entirely to God. There is nothings static about vocation, not even on God’s part, because, adapting Himself to our nature, He calls us in a progressive way. If we are faithful to His first inviation, others, increasingly pressing and definite, will follow, which will bind us more and more to our Divine Master…If the soul is faithful, and answers these progressive calls generously, God will continue to send new invitations, which will open up wider and more luminous horizons, until the soul lives its consecration in a perpetual renewal of fervor and love.
— Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, OCD

Our Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus wanted her daughters to intercede unceasingly for the good of souls and the building up of the Church, especially by praying and sacrificing for the sanctity of Priests.

It is an honor and a great joy for us to present your petitions to Our Lord, solemnly enthroned as King and Lord of our Carmel in the Blessed Sacrament.

Be assured that:

“On Carmel’s Height’s by Day and Night, Someone prays for you”

Prayer Request Form

To send us a prayer request, please fill out the following form.  The Sisters will silently take your intention to prayer.  We will pray all throughout the day and will remember you throughout our Masses and each of our hours of prayer.